Vincent L Warner - Online Memorial Website

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Vincent Warner
Born in Barbados
72 years
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God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. Psalm 46:1-4

Vincent Llewellyn Warner, 72, went on to be with our Lord on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at home in Miramar, Florida.



Thanksgiving services to celebrate Vincent’s life were held on Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 10:00 am at Miami Gospel Chapel, 10900 NW 19th Ave, Miami FL 33167. In lieu of flowers, an offering was taken for Summer Camp Ministries.


Services were also held in his native Barbados at the CHC/Gates of Praise, St. Christopher, Christ Church on Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 2:00 pm and at Emmanuel Chapel, Montego Bay, Jamaica on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 2:00 pm .



Vincent was born on November 10, 1938 in Christ Church, Barbados, WI, the son of Percy and Clerise Warner. Vincent worked with the Barclays Bank in Barbados & transferred with them to Jamaica in 1958.



Vincent is survived by his wife of 49 years, Thelma; children Konrad and Robert (and their wives Racquel & Michell); siblings Elsie, Hutson, Mignon and Verene; grandchildren Laura, Ashley, Zachary & Christian and a multitude of other relatives and close friends.


Latest Memories
Suzette Haughton Fondly Remembered February 2, 2013

Memory of our dear Daddy Vincent Warner who departed this life on February 2, 2011

We remember your special life, filled with so much love and goodness

Your kindness, generosity, joy and strength live on in all those who were blessed to love and know you

Your precious memories are in our keeping with which we will never part

God has you safely in his keeping

But we have you forever in our hearts

For all of us you gave the best

Now the time has come for you to rest

So stay in peace, you have earned your sleep

Your love in our hearts we will eternally keep

Sadly missed by Suzette, Adeen, Peta-Gaye, Mr and Mrs Jarrett.

Dr. Suzette Haughton February 2, 2012

Daddy V:

We are grateful for the time you spent

The moment of laughter and joy shared.

You were truly an inspiration to all of us.

And indeed a man of great strength,

You touched the lives of all those who came around you

And for that, your memories continue to shine before our eyes.


One year ago your world stood still

And it feels like an hour ago

You were taken from us so fast without time to say goodbye

Precious memories are all that we have to carry us through

This is still not enough for these burdens of missing you that we bear

Though we know you are gone to be with God


Farewell not goodbye

Hoping to meet you someday when the pearly gates unfurl


Sadly missed by Suzette, Adeen, Peta-Gaye and Mr and Mrs Jarrett.



It was the roaring 90's, a group of Christians from Canada plus Don and Vera Welborn from the US were in Montego Bay, Trelawny and Hanover for special meetings which included a memorial service for the late Bro Hugh Clacken. Our memories of Bro. Warner revolve around his concern for our welbeing and even moreso, his concern that in all things we would honour the Lord, who he honoured and served. When our Lord returns we are confident that Mr Warner will move with his accustomed speed to meet Him in the air. We know that his departure means sorrow for his beloved wife, but we know in Whom she believes and are assured that He will keep that which she has committed unto Him against that day.
Annaliese Chambers
My fondest memory of Uncle Vincent was when I was a child, a stubborn one at that, and he was teaching me to tie my shoe laces. I never really saw the need to learn to do such a thing so Uncle Vincent would always tie them for me. It so happened that one day he decided that it was time for me to learn how to tie them myself. We sat outside of church for a long time whilst he taught me to tie them. He realized that we were getting nowhere as I was not interested in learning to tie them myself, so he tied them for me. Upon walking away I fell. I fell because he tied my shoes together. It is safe to say that after that I put some effort into learning to tie my shoes.

I will always love you Uncle Vincent and may God keep you as he is best suited for your company right now.

Vincent Warner
He was tall and skinny, quiet yet strong spiritually, physically, and emotionally deep, that was my Dad, one you could depend on, he was there when you least expected, care and compassion emanated from his wry smile yet stern countenance.

Dad came into my life at the tender age of eight and he immediately made sure my spiritual life was secured and safe. Thelma and the boys Robert and Konrad became my second family and I became the daughter, eager to learn and grow in grace, both adopted parents laid the foundation for who I am today. Thelma became my mom and she took care of the girly stuff and Dad made sure I was walking right as the Lord ordained. Which included my way of dress, the school work , the behavior not loud or boisterous but calm and modulated. They genuinely cared for me as a person and became an integral part of my life.

I remember the weekends to the country and the times we would get lost and when mom said, "Vincent we are lost", he would obstinately ignore us until finally we would find our way out. The care he showed for the elderly, making sure their basic needs were met, the young, you could not be missing from church for any extended period, Dad would be there to find out what was going on and your excuse had to be a good one. He was loved by many, misunderstood by some, but Dad was Dad and he would let nothing stop him from fulfilling his God-given purpose being a father to the fatherless like myself and help to the widows and the aged.

I am proud to have had him in my life, the values and ethical standards that were passed to me I now pass to my children, I serve others as they served, selflessly; I know he would be proud of his handiwork.

He ran a good race and finished his course, and is now with his Father.

Dad I will always love you.

Latest Condolences
B. Hopie Green Remembering El Vorn February 2, 2012
I cannot believe that it's been one year since El Vorn passed.
However, having left such an indelible impression on so many of us,
I doubt he will ever be forgotten.

Mrs. Warner it is so good to be back in touch with you and I really
enjoy our almost daily contact.  I Pray God that continue to Bless
you and the rest of the family.

The Green family    2/2/12 
Cynthia Guthrie Your long sleep April 1, 2011
Dear Friend,
So now you are taking your long sleep.  I remember you telling me that you did not like to sleep, because sleep was too much like death, but I suppose the time came when you could not keep your eyes open any longer I will miss your dry humour.  You and my father were such good friends, and any time I think of my father, I will remember you.  As a Christian, you did not comprise your testimony, and I enjoyed the friendship our family shared.  Love you Thelma, you are left to keep the home fires burning, as I know you will.  God bless you.

April 1, 2011
Dixon Family Condolence March 18, 2011
Our condolences to Mrs. Warner, Konrad, Robert and families on behalf of Andre and Donnette.  We thank the Lord for giving us the opportunity of knowing Mr. Warner before he went on to be with the Lord.  He was always very welcoming and pleasant.  Oh so heart-broken to see him leave us but we know he's in a better place. May his soul be at rest.
Dixon Family
Robert Warner So Sorry March 6, 2011
Sorry to hear of Mr Warner's passing
May it make your sorrow easier to bear
knowing there are others
who understand and care.
We're thinking of you at this time.

From Keith, Camille, Sonya, Melissa, Miss Campbell and Yvonne.

Lawrence McNaughton Blessings February 19, 2011
Dear Mrs Warner and family, (I know you prefer for me to call you Thelma and I may get there one day).
As we discussed, yourself and Mr Warner have been tremendously impactful on the lives of countless many and I can certainly speak for those of us then 'young people' who came under your inspirational tutelage at Emmanuel Chapel in the 1970s and 80s.
You both catered to our spiritual needs but deigned not to stop there, as our education, our demeanour our relationships and our social well being all became a part of the stewardship you assumed as a part of the Father’s grand design and plan. You have indeed shaped our lives for the better and we remain profoundly thankful.  

I recall Mr Warner attending our winning 1976 Emmanuel Chapel football team's coronation as champions of the Montego Bay Inter Church Football Competition
at the Parish Church, and when we handed him the trophy as we naturally would, he quipped that he would take it home to drink porridge from it !! 

Mr Warner's legacy here on earth is assured and we can only consider ourselves privileged to have been a part of his earthly existence.  May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you at this time and beyond.

Larry - Gros Islet, St Lucia. 

Quick Gallery
Vincent's brother Hutson Wedding Day PCC Send Off Vincent Vincent with sons & nephew Richard Thanksgiving Tributes, Florida Vincent Father's Day brunch PCC Send Off Wedding Day With grandson Christian PCC Send Off Wedding Day Thanksgiving Tributes, Florida Vincent & the Beetle