In the beginning... GOD
God made the Earth and Sea and Sky
And every creature too
He then formed man from dust of ground
How wonderful, how true!
To man was given total sway
Of all that caught his eye
Except for this divine command
'Not this tree - or thou shalt die.'
But Eve, beguiled by Serpent's wiles
And wanting it for food
Partook and to her husband gave
And there they naked stood.
God called - they hid - they were afraid
Their sin, no leaves could hide
But God with skin did cover them
- An animal had died!
This sacrifice was meant to show
To men through ages' reign
Without the shedding of the blood
No cleansing of the stain.
God's word is sure - it stands for aye
And man did die that day
But Christ has come - the Source of Life
To make men live "Today".
Some think that they are not too bad
Because of others, worse
But as in Adam all did sin
So all fell 'neath the curse.
And others think that they are good
Because of their own works
But in that same self-righteous bait
The age-old serpent lurks.
Yes, Christ has come, the Son of God
Of whom the prophets spoke
He healed the sick and raised the dead
And some that slept he woke.
Before the coming of the Christ
Man did in darknes roam
But now the sound is heard abroad
Rise - shine - the Light is come!
Praise God! I heard that blessed call
Blind, wounded, sore and lame
I got a cleansing from all stain
When I to the fountain came.
And now dear friend, you're on the road
To heaven or to hell
But which of these shall be your home
'Tis only you to tell.
Our God in wisdom didst declare
Life, Death, I put to you
Choose Life, the Father wisely says
Choose Life now, now, won't you?
There's Life in Christ, and blessings large
For poor, for great and small
O let us to this Fountain fly
Foes, family, friends, come all.
By Vincent L Warner
Vincent Llewelyn Warner was born on November 10th, 1938, to the late Percy and Clerise “May” Warner of St. Christopher, Christ Church.
He was the brother of the late Ivan Warner of London, England; Reginald and Ianthe of St.Christopher: He is survived by sisters, Elsie and Verene Warner, Mignon Jones and brother, Rev. Hutson Warner of U. S. A.
Vincent was educated at St. Christopher's Boys School, under the tutorship of the late George Warner, Headmaster, and Teachers, Erskine Rawlins, Whaitefield Phillips, Allan Moe, and Ivan Millington, to name a few. Upon leaving 7th standard/grade, Vincent went on to Boys Foundation School, where he excelled, bringing much praise from his teachers. He gained a scholarship to Harrison College where he worked extremely hard, to the point of taking the General Certificate of Education (GCE) from London, receiving six (6) certificates.
Vincent was a very diligent scholar who helped his siblings with their home work at the elementary level, and finding time to help with the chores around the house whether menial or not. In other words, Vincent was not a person who would be called proud. Saturdays was a hay day for us when our parents went to Bridgetown. He liked a lot of clowning around. This allowed him to relieve some of the stress from his studies.
After leaving college, he gained employment at the then Housing Authority, in Country Road. He was later employed at Barclays Bank, Broad Street, and was transferred to the Kingston Branch, Jamaica, in March 1958, and continued to work there for a number of years. Vincent met the love of his life, Thelma Morrison, in Kingston; this friendship culminated in a marriage that lasted for forty-nine (49) plus years and produced two sons, Konrad, a commercial airline pilot, and Robert, a computer technician. He was the grandfather of four. He also fostered many daughters, (seeing he had none), who needed a father figure in their lives and provided mentorship, guidance & support.
Vincent loved Art that first started with coloured pencils, then water colours. He was also a lover of Structural Art which he pursued in the industrial field. Some of his structural art was lost to a greedy person who borrowed the items but failed to return them.
Friendly in his own way, yet he never liked to be in the front, like an apron, but was still able to get his points across. He was camera shy; never liked to be photographed. At times, there was discussion as to why he didn't go to law school; some of the lawyer traits can be seen in two of his nieces. A husband and a father, yes; he provided for them like his father did before him. He was also a provider to his siblings for which they are eternally grateful.
During his college years, Vincent attended the Anglican/Episcopalian Church, until he joined forces with the Assembly of God, Kingston, Jamaica, thus becoming an Elder in that denomination. He believed in Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and practised it. Proverbs 3: 5-6 was some of his favourite scriptures, no wonder while on his way into his Father's presence he was humming the tune "God will make a way where there seems to be no way".
Our brother, husband, nephew, uncle, friend, is in the care of his Heavenly Father whom he adored and for whom he laboured. The Apostle James asked "what is your life... it is like a vapour" Chapter 4:14-15. One moment, Vincent was breathing and speaking and in minutes his mortal body took on immortality to be ushered into God's presence. He will be missed this side of heaven... but he can't come to us, we have to go to meet him. Rev 21:3: Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will be with them and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain...old things are passed away.
Vincent painstakingly took his last test
Now in his Saviour's arms he'll rest
‘Til Michael blows his trumpet on high
And all God's children bid this world good bye!
(Rest my brother, we loved you...You are in your parent's company.)
"There is coming a day when no heartaches will come, no more clouds in the sky, no more tears to dim the eye, all is peace forevermore on that happy... shore; what a day glorious day that will be".
May he rest in peace!