Vincent L Warner - Online Memorial Website

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Vincent Warner
Born in Barbados
72 years
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The Hyman Family Our Deepest Sympathy February 14, 2011
My first memory of Mr Warner was many years ago at Unity Hall.
What a man full of charm and a unique sense of humor! So that's where Konrad gets it from! Like Father like Son.  He will certainly be missed.

 Our sincere and deepest condolences. God Bless you all

The Hyman Family
Dr. Adrian Thomas Prayers & Blessings February 14, 2011
Dearest Sister Warner,

Please accept our heartfelt sympathies. We were saddened at the passing of dear brother Vincent. We greatly regret that the news of his homegoing got to us so late, so we are sure you will forgive us for this late entry. We thank God for the many years of commitment that brother Warner has rendered to the Lord and his people. We are sure he is now safer and happier in the Lord's eternal care. As for you, sister Warner, the God of all grace will give you comfort and peace in the midst of your sorrows. "The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms."

With our Prayers and Blessings

Adrian and Winsome Thomas

Jacqueline Geddes May his soul rest in peace February 12, 2011
To Dear Mrs. Warner, Konrad, Robert and families, on behalf of Bradley and I, we would like to express our condolences. Mr Warner was so full of life and light such that when we heard that he had passed it took us by surprise. He gave much. He was a man of God who loved people and we believe that God has reserved a special place for him. May his soul rest in peace. Sincerely Bradley Edwards and Jacqueline Geddes
Wendy and Hal Burke Friends at Flamingo February 12, 2011
Dear Thelma, Konrad, Raquel, Laura and Ashley

We are so sorry for your loss. We were privileged to know Vincent and will always remember his quiet ways when we watch the younger generation of Warners make the world a better place to live.

Wendy and Hal Burke
Pamela Brown - Atlanta GA Condolence February 11, 2011

On behalf of the Brown’s family both in the USA and JA, I would like to express my sincere condolences and prayers to Mrs. Thelma Warner and family on the transition of Elder Warner to glory - a stalwart of the brethren faith who never compromised on the Word of God. Revelation 21:4, “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."

I would also like to dedicate the hymn “All the Way my Savior Leads Me”, in honor of my former elder, Mr. Vincent Warner. This song was always sung at Emmanuel Chapel and it reminded me of Brother Warner and other elders from Emmanuel chapel who have passed on and whose teaching of the word of God had a profound impact on my Christian faith. RIP Brother Warner.

Doris, Pam, Jenny & Family Deepfelt Sympathy February 11, 2011

The strife is o'er the battle's won. Return unto thy rest oh soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with thee.


Cousin Thelma, be strong and be of good courage. Deepest sympathy and love to you and family during this difficult time. We are thinking of you throughout.


 From the McDowells, McFarlanes & Kennedys.

Audrey Salmon/B.Grandison Our Heartfelt Sympathy February 11, 2011

To the Warner Family:


May God comfort your hearts today and bless you with endearing memories that your heart will always treasure.

When a Loved One Goes Home  


Once they saw through a glass darkly,
now they see their risen Lord.
Once they fought through tests and trials,
now they stand in faith's reward.
Once they had but partial knowledge,
now they know as they are known.
Once they walked a pilgrim's journey,
now their feet are safely home.

Ralf & Sandra Fechner Blessed with love February 11, 2011
Dear Konrad & family, we send our condolences from the bottom of our hearts. When I saw your dad first time in Flamingo hand in hand with your mum I saw a man blessed with love and pride. It reminded me of my dream how I want to be when I'm old. I think you're the most loving family I know and you are gifted for having had such an intensive time with your dad before he made his way home. May his love and soul help your mum to go on. With love from Ralf, Sandra, Alina & Julius
Norma Miller Condolence February 11, 2011
My deepest sympathy to the Warner family. In this difficult time, may you find the kindness of friends to comfort you, compassion to warm and sustain you and the unfailing love of Jesus to bring peace to your heart. God's peace.
Radley "Buffy" King Condolence February 10, 2011

Mr. Warner was one of great character and integrity.  You have been a source of inspiration to me.  We have lost a great man, but God has gained a great ambassador in His Kingdom.  I do appreciate all that you have done for me over years while I was at the Chapel.  Mrs. Warner you are in our prayers and our thoughts.  May God give you the strength you need in these testing times.  Remeber He will never leave you nor forsake you.  We love you and may God continue to show you his ever faithfulness.  To Konrad and Robert keep strong and may God give comfort in these days.



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