I recall getting lots of pinches and side glances from Mr Warner when misbehaving in church. A serious yet funny man. God has called you home. We will see you on the other side. Be strong, Mrs Warner, you now have a special angel in heaven.
Vincent's life has touched so many lives including my own and it has made me better because of this He was so genuine and loved people. Our relationship has been long and lasting. He loved his God, his family and his church and his friends and in return, was loved. He was always asking me "Where is my cake?" tell him i will mail it to him.
I will surely miss him but God knows best. Vincent sleep on and take your rest.
I love you but Jesus loves you best.
After so many years of friendship its good to know that I can be with you at this time of grief and sorrow. Remember this, God the Lord wil never leave you. He thy cause will undertake, truer love will never forsake. My sincere love to you and family.
Mr Warner, I know I haven't talked to you in a while but you were always in my heart. You were a true and great man of God. You have helped me in my future, I remember the provision you gave me towards school and the encouragement. May your soul rest in peace, and I will miss you!!
Mr. Warner, Aaaaahhhhh I remember one Sunday in Sunday School class while he was teaching, a few of us were playing around and he said without even blinking "If you don't listen you will go to hell". After saying that if a pin drop we could hear it, there we sat as quiet as a mouse and he just smiled and said "Now where were we." Those were the days and that day I still hold very dear, because I didn't want to go to hell. Thank you Mr. Warner you have made my walk with Christ stronger.... I will also remember you for your jokes about me and my fat self "How are you today Ms. Barbara?" "Oh am fine Mr. Warner." "Well you don't look that fine to me right now." and we would laugh...
Rest In Peace. and I know I will see you again someday.
I remember Mr. Warner chasing us around Emanuel Chapel in the 70's. It was so funny, because we were so unaware of his presence until that stern face appeared out of nowhere. There were times when us kids would be looking out for Mr Warner and could not see him until it was too late. Emanuel Chapel was our favorite playground and Mr. Warner would have none of it. he would chase us with a long belt (just to scare us) and being as tall as he was...he could not bend to catch us going through holes in the fences!!!!
To live is Christ and to die is great gain.......
May His peace be with you and the rest of the family.
Memorial Tribute to Mr. Vincent Warner
His foster daughter, Dr. Suzette Haughton, wrote the following tribute and poem for her Dad, Daddy V.
We are all united in our desire to pay our respect to Mr. Warner, a father, a brother, an uncle and a friend. He had a profound effect and meant something positive to everyone he met. For such was his tremendous appeal that just a couple days after his passing Mrs. Warner shared that she received over hundred and seven (107) calls expressing condolences. This in my view represents a more remarkable tribute to Daddy V than I can hope to offer to him through this tribute. I grew up to know Mr. Warner from the church my mother attended. He was like a father to my two sisters and I. He was compassionate, loving and very kind to us. It was the kindness in him as a church brother and his willingness to help that endeared him to so many who saw him as a friend, as a brother and who called him dad.
My sisters and I saw him as a father. He was always there for us, finding out how we were performing in school, and most of all encouraging us to use Proverbs 3: 5-6 as our daily guide. He would send us tokens inscribed with Proverbs 3: 5-6 and would never forget to call us to find out if we were trusting the Lord.
His acute awareness of God was expressed in his love for everyone and he could be seen as everybody’s friend. It was a joy to be in the company of Daddy V. He was either dispensing pearls of wisdom or sharing his sharp sense of humour.
Despite our present loss of words, we can say one thing, God in his goodness created him with a unique way. His spirit was focus, his drive passionate and he loved the Lord earnestly. It feels natural to say he has been taken from us but in our hearts we know that every aspect of his life was lived with nothing in reserve. He gave it all - one of the best who gave the best.
Daddy V, we thought of you today but that is nothing new. We thought of you yesterday and will tomorrow too. Whenever our loved ones pass away let hope, faith and trust replace our pain. God, in his wisdom, ensures we will all meet again.
Poem to Daddy Vincent Warner
My father, Mr. Vincent Warner, Daddy V, Brother Warner not a name you will frequently see in the newspapers, hear on the radio or see on the TV screen
But he is an icon in the lives of many
Icons never die
They transcend to a better place
But they live on in the lives of those they have touched
There I stood, frozen by the words emanating through the phone
Far too painful to fathom
February 2, 2011 will never be forgotten as long as I have a memory
That date marked the day that my dad passed away
Those who knew him well, knows he was no ordinary man
He is the finest man I have ever known
His spirit will always live in my heart
His wisdom and sound teachings will forever chart my paths
His religious conviction remains a pattern to follow
He lived his life in service of others
He cared and loved those within and outside of his biological family
He gave everything he had without complaining, without expecting anything in return
He has been and will always be a tremendous source of strength and inspiration for me
I have to accept that my father transcended to a heavenly place
I loved Daddy V and there were no goodbyes
Come what may, you will always be my hero and the world’s best dad.
You are now giving me strength during this my darkest hour.
I miss you and always will.
Adeen Haughton wrote the following tribute to her foster dad, Mr. Vincent Warner.
Daddy V was a lanky man who stood tall not only on the outside but also on the inside. A devout Christian and a generous spirited human being he was. His display of Christianity in all its forms was no easy act to follow. His was a heart tuned to God. He believed the concept that whatever he did unto others he did unto God. He recognised that in every challenge God’s divine purpose was at work and divine direction was unfolding, hence he was safe in God’s hands. He shared his faith with others in a quiet unassuming manner. Throughout my life, he has shown love by investing in me, mentoring me and showing me the ways of the Lord. His life exemplified a dignified life of integrity. He led not only by words but by his deeds. His actions shone before men in a way that they could easily see his good works and glorified God. I am humbled to have been so blessed to have known him and to have had him as my dad. Daddy V we know you are absent from the body but present with the Lord. May your soul rest in eternal peace.
Vincent will always be remembered for his wry sense of humour. "How are you?" "I'm Fine!", l would answer. "You don't look fine to me! You look quite fat!"
He could make you laugh, even at a serious moment! Vincent had a very unique way about him that almost always made you feel loved and that he was very interested in your welfare. We are filled with praise for the life he lived and gave to us many others.
My fondest memories of my beloved Uncle Vincent goes back to when I first met him, he had left the island six years before I was born, but on his return I was young and still in school and I fell in love with him at a glance.
To me, he was a funny individual but yet very strict in many ways, he was always a fine person in body structure but yet very strong and I mean S-T-R-O-N-G, just like Samson in the Bible, once he got hold of you there was no escaping his grip.
Uncle Vincent had a nickname for me and that was "Reds", a name that stuck with me to this present day, even when we chat online he would always say "What's up Reds". To me he was the best uncle a girl could ever ask for, one thing about him that stands out the most is that whenever he was around he was telling you about God, I remember he would always ask us " when are you going to give your life to Jesus,".
I guess one of his happiest moments of his life was when his baby sister, my Mum accepted the Lord as her Saviour, he was indeed happy and I mean happy. He was the kind of person who brought laughter into the lives of others, and there was nothing too hard for him to do especially when it comes to the ones he loved, he loved us unconditionally.
And I thank God that I was a part of his life and that he was my uncle, as my poem says 'Gone Yet Not Forgotten"
To those who still have their loved ones alive, treasure them , never let a moment pass without letting them know how much you love them, don't wait until God calls them home to say it, say it now before it is too late.
Keep on shining Uncle Vincent, keep doing the things you like best, that's telling others about God, Shine on in eternity, keep shining.
Rest In The Arms Of Jesus.
You will always be in my heart.
From your niece
Andrea Warner-Douglas